In the Outlining Method, you use indenting to show the relative importance of ideas. Start at the left side of the paper with the most important points. Then indent the next line to add a supporting point. As information gets more detailed, indent further to begin writing each new point. The more major the point, the closer to the left margin. Because each level of supporting information is indented farther to the right, it is easy to see how points are related to each other. Some people use roman numerals as in a traditional outline or a combination of dashes and bullets to signal the beginning of a new level. However, this may not be necessary since each the relationship between the various points is visually clear.
First major point = far left: The first level (starting at the left margin) is reserved for main topics.
You can take notes on a lecture or a reading. Click on the excerpt button to your left to see an excerpt from "Cell Division I: The Cell Cycle," Visionlearning. Then explore the sample notes below by moving your mouse over the colored text.
You Write: