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Exercise 2 - Choosing appropriate topic sentences

Instructions: Read the paragraph and click on the correct topic sentence. Scroll down if you do not see the Answer box. If wrong, try again.

      ____________________________________________________. In our nation's voluntary military, minorities and the less privileged are overrepresented, while the privileged class is underrepresented. As long as military service is voluntary, the burden of military service will fall, to an unfair degree, on minority groups and the poor. Although minorities make up only 35% of the population of the United States, they make up more than 37% of the military. And while African-Americans make up only 12% of the population nationwide, they make up more than 22% of the armed forces personnel. These racial imbalances put minorities at a greater risk of being killed or injured during times of war. In the last few decades, the middle and upper classes have largely avoided military service. All Americans must share the burden and honor of defending America. Just as the mandatory draft of World War II had a democratizing effect on the military and the nation as a whole, a universal draft would create a more cohesive America, with rich and poor, minorities and Whites all serving together.

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