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Exercise 8 - Selecting the correct concluding sentence for each body paragraph

Instructions: Read the paragraph and click on the correct answer. Scroll down if you do not see the Answer box. If wrong, try again.

      Educating prisoners equips them with job, life and parenting skills necessary to become productive, law-abiding, and responsible members of society. Studies have shown that individuals who receive a higher education while incarcerated have a significantly better rate of employment (75%) than those who do not participate in education programs (40%). This post-release employment reduces re-arrest rates since these ex-offenders don't have to turn to crime as a means of financial support. Another benefit of prison education programs is the positive and long-lasting impact educating adult prisoners can have on the lives of their children. It is well known that the educational level of a parent is a clear predictor of both the educational achievements of the child and the level of parental involvement in the child's education. As the majority of prisoners are parents, educating them is sure to have a positive effect on their children. _______ _______________________________________________.

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