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Exercise 7 - Writing cohesive paragraphs

Instructions: Click on the EDIT PARAGRAPH button to make the necessary changes to create a cohesive paragraph. Click on the HINT button if you need help.

      Providing prisoners with educational opportunities reduces recidivism and saves society money. It is cheaper in the long run than re-incarcerating offenders who have not received an education. Educating a prisoner in New York costs an estimated $2,500 per inmate annually. Incarcerating one individual costs approximately $25,000 annually. A study on prison college education found that every dollar spent on education resulted in $1.71 in reduced crime costs. The cost-benefit of reducing recidivism is realized as soon as prisoners who have received an education while in prison are released. There is the benefit of these individuals obtaining work, paying taxes, and contributing to the general economy. Rather than increasing costs to the taxpayer, educating prisoners offers both financial and societal benefits.
edit paragraph
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