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Exercise 3 - Writing topic sentences

Instructions: Read the following paragraph and type an appropriate topic sentence in the box.

      ___________________________________________________________. Both federally commissioned and independent studies have shown that legalizing marijuana would save the government billions of dollars annually. The savings would result from the reduction of spending on the enforcement of drug laws as they stand now. For example, Boston University Professor of Economics, Jeffrey A. Miron, in his 2003 study, outlines what financial benefits Massachusetts would enjoy from the legalization of marijuana. His report estimates that Massachusetts could save $121 million per year by cutting the costs associated with marijuana arrests, prosecutions and incarcerations. This figure estimates the savings that would result from the legalization of marijuana for just one of the fifty states. Imagine what benefits all American citizens would receive if these savings were combined with the savings from the other forty-nine states!
Write your topic sentence here
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