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Test What You Have Learned - Revising |


Instructions: Read the essay that you will be revising, and
choose the format for your final draft.
Mandatory Military Service for All
As the experience of the September
11 attacks has shown us, the world is becoming an increasingly
dangerous place. In addition to the threat of terrorism, civil
and international conflicts have created tension and instability
in various regions of the world. These conflicts require that
the United States, the world's most powerful country, defend
democracy and our nation's interests wherever they are threatened.
Currently, however, these conflicts are taxing our military
forces beyond their capacity, putting our military and our nation
in a dangerously vulnerable position. In these times of increased
terrorism, we need a strong military that can be ready for action
at a moment's notice. Maintaining a strong, well-staffed military
is the only way our country can be assured of peace.
A mandatory draft is needed to address the shortage of personnel
in all branches of the military. Recently, the Navy, Air Force
and Army have all fallen short of their personnel enlistment
goals. With its current size, our military would allow the nation
to enter and win only two regional conflicts at the same time.
Regrettably, this is not enough. The Navy had 7,000 fewer volunteers
than were required to meet its quota for new recruits. The Air
Force lacked 2,000 pilots in 2003. Our voluntary armed forces
system is in crisis. The supply of available young people is
shrinking. In 1980 there were more than 17 million 17- to 20-year-olds.
Currently, there are fewer than 10 to 12 million in this age
group. This reduction in the number of available youth and the
shrinking number of new recruits should serve as a wake up call
that mandatory military service should be a requirement if we
hope to have a safe and secure nation.
Although minorities make up only 35% of the population of the
United States, they make up more than 37% of the military. And
while African-Americans make up only 12% of the population nationwide,
they make up more than 22% of the armed forces personnel. These
facts show that in our nation's voluntary military, minorities
and the less privileged are overrepresented, while the privileged
class is underrepresented. As long as military service is voluntary,
the burden of military service will fall, to an unfair degree,
on minority groups and the poor. This burden shouldn't fall
on them because they are already the victims of poverty and
violence. Instead of relying on them to serve our country, our
country should serve them better. All Americans must share the
burden and honor of defending America. Just as the mandatory
draft of World War II ensured that everyone had to defend this
country regardless of his or her race or social status, a current
mandatory draft would make sure that our military is made up
of all types of Americans.
Military service provides young people with the self-discipline
they need and with other character building experiences. Our
country has been having many problems with its youth. Military
service would not only provide young people the means of acquiring
the self-discipline they lack, but also with valuable skills
and qualities that the military is well suited to instill. One
young recruit recounted how military service taught him self-discipline,
how to stay focused on a task and how to follow orders set by
superiors. He relayed how he came back self-reliant and grown
up, proud of his accomplishments and service to his country.
Defending our interests, democratic values, and freedom can
only be achieved through a strong, well-staffed military. We
can't have this type of military unless we make military service
mandatory. Mandatory military service would also make sure that
the burden of defending our country doesn't fall only on the
shoulders of minorities and the poor, and it will teach young
people valuable skills. Besides, if everyone is obligated to
serve, everyone will receive the financial benefits that are
now only available to those that volunteer. Sacrifice as well
as honor should be shared by all.
Edit the essay as a Word document and attach it to an email:
You can edit the essay in Microsoft Word and then save it as
a document (e.g. voteressay.doc). You can print this document
or attach it to an email. Editing your work is much easier if
you prepare it this way.
To work on the
essay as a Word document, click here.
Edit the essay online and print it:
You can prepare the essay on our website and then print it.
After you print it, you may wish to take it to the Center and
show it to an instructor. Or you may wish to take the printed
copy directly to your professor.
To work on the
essay and immediately print it, click here.
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