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Test What You Have Learned |


Instructions: Read the outline that you will be preparing an
introductory paragraph for, and choose the format for your final draft.
Thesis: Educational programs inside prisons aimed at
rehabilitating prisoners should be considered as an alternative
to the current punitive justice system.
- Educational programs aimed at promoting social values
help prisoners develop social skills
- Providing workshops promoting
- civilized behavior
- responsible conduct
- Active involvement in courses that promote
- self-esteem
- empathy
- solidarity
- Education provides prisoners with life skills necessary
for reintegration into society
- College-educated prisoners have a better rate of employment
- Recidivism (committing crime repeatedly) drops considerably
- Education of prisoners has a positive impact on their
- Education programs save money
- $2,500 per year to educate an inmate compared to $25,000
to incarcerate
- $1.71 in reduced crime costs for every dollar spent
on education
- Working ex-offenders pay taxes
Conclusion: Educational programs offer prisoners
the help they need to develop the skills necessary to become
productive members of society.
Write your introductory paragraph as a Word document and attach
it to an email:
You can prepare your paragraph in Microsoft Word and then save
it as a document (e.g. voterparagraph.doc). You can print this
document or attach it to an email. Editing your work is much
easier if you prepare it this way.
To work on your
introductory paragraph as a Word document, click here.
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