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Exercise 6 - Identifying and correcting errors in thesis statements

Instructions: Identify and fix the problem with each thesis statement in the following introductory paragraphs.

The Myth of Equal Opportunities

      America is hailed as a land of equal opportunities. Founded on the principle that "all men are created equal," it is regarded by many as a country where a person is not discriminated against on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender or religious conviction. However, a look at the history of the U.S. over the centuries and a closer look at the state of minorities in the present day America reveal quite a different picture. Despite the various struggles fought and the many victories won to do away with discrimination and to create an even playing field where individuals can utilize their potential, opportunities are still not equally available to all members of American society. Women are paid less than men for the same work, and they are obviously underrepresented in government. Blacks and Hispanics make up a small percentage of the workforce in top positions but a large percentage of those who live in poverty. The poor members of society, regardless of gender, race, or ethnicity, confront a world of hardships and limited opportunities to improve their lives. For these reasons, some people think America is a land of equal opportunities, and others believe that it is not.

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