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Exercise 4 - Writing specific details in body paragraphs

Instructions: The following paragraph has problems with vague language. The vague phrases are highlighted. Click on the EDIT PARAGRAPH button and make the necessary changes in the box provided to make the vague sentences more specific. When finished, click on the DONE button to compare WHAT YOU WROTE with WHAT WE WROTE. Click on the HINT button for information on how to improve the sentences.

     Tobacco and alcohol, the two most deadly legal drugs in America, are far more addictive and harmful than marijuana. In fact, tobacco is not only more addictive than alcohol and marijuana, but it is also more addictive than other illegal drugs, such as cocaine and heroin. Alcohol too is dangerous, yet, like tobacco, it is considered a legal drug. Similarly, in terms of long-term health hazards, tobacco smoking is associated with a wide variety of chronic health conditions, while marijuana is not. And while in large doses alcohol can cause death, there are no recorded cases of overdose fatalities attributed to marijuana. In addition, studies have shown that, contrary to supposition and propaganda, marijuana does not cause the types of emotional problems other illegal drugs, such as heroine and cocaine do. In order to have consistent, logical and effective drug policies, we need to legalize and regulate marijuana in a manner similar to the regulation of alcohol and tobacco.

edit paragraph
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